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The benefits of this gentle healing method are many, here are a few

examples of situations in which the flower remedies can help you:

  • In case of all kind of panic

  • For shocks and traumas

  • To overcome fears such as talking in public, phobia, afraid in the dark …

  • In case of hysterical crisis, nervous breakdown

  • For lack of self-confidence

  • When you’re discouraged

  • To overcome the deepest of despair

  • To give vitalism and dynamism

  • When making important choices in life: studies, profession …

  • When one continues to live in the past

  • Mental and/or physical exhaustion

  • For sleeping troubles, such as: insomnia, nightmares …

  • To overcome all types of depression

  • To accept major changes in life: separation, mourning …

  • To comfort in case of grief, emotional choc, traumatism …

  • Against feelings of guilt, grudge, jealousy, intolerance …


The list is endless, contact me to find help through the flower remedies

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